Child Custody & Visitation

Experienced Child Custody Lawyer In Roswell, GA

There is nothing in the world that you love more than your children. You want to have as much time with them as possible while protecting their best interests. If you need to determine a custody and visitation arrangement, you can work with us at Swilling Family Law Firm, LLC.

For years, we have helped parents, grandparents and other legal guardians navigate the legally complex and emotionally fraught world of custody law. You can rely on the extensive experience of our attorney, Melody Swilling. With compassion and understanding, we will guide you toward the parenting solutions that you need.

How Do Georgia Courts Determine Custody?

In Georgia, neither the mother nor the father has an advantage in court. Judges try to award joint custody whenever possible. That said, the court will consider a variety of factors for every case. Some of these factors include:

  • The parent-child relationship
  • The location of each parent’s home
  • Each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s needs
  • Each parent’s willingness to nurture the child’s relationship with the co-parent
  • The presence or history of substance abuse or domestic violence

Your family situation is unlike that of any other family. There is no clear-cut formula that the court uses for every case. It will consider your unique circumstances as it considers the best interests of your children.

Custody and visitation arrangements are easily the most complicated part of any divorce. If you need counsel for asset distribution, LGBTQ issues or any other aspect of family law, we can assist you.

Speak With A Lawyer In A Free Consultation

You can voice your questions and concerns about child custody and visitation to our attorney, Melody Swilling. To reach her and schedule your free initial consultation, call 678.646.6755 or send her an email. We serve clients throughout the Roswell metro area.

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