
Financial Planning before a Divorce is Filed
When facing a divorce, many will think about the big items- what to do with their house, how much will child support be, and who pays the IRS debt? It’s been our experience that a little planning before a divorce is filed can help save frustrations later on in...

The Rise of Digital Infidelity During COVID-19
We are all tired of discussing pandemic life and the #newnormal. What we are seeing is that Ashley Madison, there has been an average of “17,000 new users each day since the public health crisis” with “14% of men having virtual sex with their affair partners”...

Take these important steps when served with divorce papers
Your nightly routine received an abrupt disruption. A legal messenger served divorce papers just as you were about to have dinner. This was not unexpected, since you and your spouse separated nearly four months ago. Still, the news can be startling while awakening you...

How the Equitable Caregiver Law protects all parents
The so-called “traditional” family structure is quickly becoming, well, less traditional. Loving, committed couples are choosing to raise kids together in whatever form suits them best. For example, the Family Equality Council estimates there are 200,000...