Property Division

Practical Solutions For Property Division

In a divorce, one of the major concerns is what will happen to your assets and debts. Your marriage, divorce and property arrangement solution are unique to you. You should work with an attorney who provides personalized attention and tailors their service to you.

At Swilling Family Law Firm, LLC, we do not use one-size-fits-all strategies. Instead, we sit down with you to listen closely to what you have to say. Then, we work steadfastly to help you arrive at the outcomes that you need.

Equitable Distribution: What To Know

Every state has either community property laws or equitable division laws. Georgia has equitable division laws, which means that courts must divide marital property in a manner that is fair. Keep in mind that equitable does not necessarily mean 50-50. For example, one spouse might receive a greater share of bank accounts while the other receives more pieces of property.

This allows a great deal of leeway with asset division arrangements. The best way to ensure that you reach a settlement or verdict that you feel is fair is to work with a strong divorce attorney like Melody Swilling.

Working With You To Get The Solutions You Need

At Swilling Family Law Firm, LLC, we sit down with you to listen carefully to your needs and goals for your family. Then, we develop pragmatic solutions designed to obtain the best outcome. Along the way, we keep in close touch with you to keep you updated on any developments so that you know what is happening with your case.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation About Property Division

Work with us to get the one-on-one personal representation that you need. We provide free initial consultations where you can discuss asset and debt division with our attorney, Melody Swilling. Call us at 678.646.6755 or send us an email to set up your consultation.

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