Understanding the child support process in Georgia

by | Mar 17, 2021

Georgia parents who are parting ways need to think about potential family law issues. One of the most important is child support. The state’s Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) oversees these cases. There are several steps to establishing an order and making certain it is clear as to what must be paid. Because there are often disagreements about child support and they can impact people regardless of their income and assets, it is wise to adhere to the law from the start and know the basics about the process.

Following the steps for child support

There are certain steps to follow with child support. They include finding the non-custodial parent, proving paternity, filing the order, organizing how payments will be made, enforcing the order and intermittently gauging whether the order needs to be changed. Regarding paternity, the biological father must be known before support can be ordered.

There are state guidelines that say how much will be paid. Keys are the parents’ income and how many children they have. It is unfortunate that some people do not pay their child support. When this happens, the non-custodial parent could be subject to various punishments including fines and even jail. To compel the parent to pay, the state can suspend a driver’s license, take tax refunds, file liens against property, suspend a passport and more. A review can be conducted every three years to decide if the order should be changed. A change in circumstances that makes a modification urgent could expedite it.

Being fully prepared is imperative with family law and child support

Although the basics of child support might seem simple, people can be confronted with personal issues that make it more complex. This is especially true when there are societal challenges and people suddenly and unexpectedly lose income. The child’s best interests are crucial and must be served. Family cases do not need to contentious. If negotiation is possible, that could be an avenue to pursue. Otherwise, going to court is always an option. Regardless, having professional advice can be helpful.

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